Currently I'm flying high, somewhere between Los Angeles and Miami, wanting to sleep, but first, needing to clear my mind. So here goes. Yesterday was Easter Sunday. Diana was invited to visit a friend's church for sunrise service, promising that she would really enjoy the choir. Diana then extended the invitation to me and I accepted.
We arrived at the church at 6AM, chose seats somewhere in the middle, made ourselves comfort-able while the choir took the stage to begin anointing us with about thirty minutes of uplifting, inspirational music. And then, the preacher - and I do mean preacher - advanced to the pulpit. Now, the following is what I can't stop thinking about.
As I watched and listened dispassionately, I was amazed by how quickly the congregation was whipped into a frenzy. And, as usual, I wondered what they were thinking and feeling as they raised and waved their arms, shouting amen and hallelujah as tears flowed. There was one thing I could tell, however, those grasping hands were definitely reaching for something 'out there' and not something inside themselves.
After a short while, I mentally drifted to Egypt and smiled, silently giving profound thanks for the teachings that have been left in stone structures offering the opportunity for humanity to awaken from it's, self-imposed, nightmare. There, we are taught that, like Osiris/Horus, Jesus represents the ascending soul at the heart of each of us. Our over-soul, metaphorically symbol-ized as the sun, traces its journey through the heavens, as our individuated souls mimic that journey through physicality.
We start our journey born into the realm of animals (a manger). Remember, physically, we share approximately 97% of our DNA with a chimpanzee. We are then nailed onto the cross of time and space (the vertical arm of the cross symbolizes the solstices and the horizontal arm symbolizes the equinoxes). We then spend 3 days (each day symbolizing our identification with the first three chakras, our animal bodies - physical, emotional and mental) ignorant of and, thus, dead to the truth of ourselves as pure spirit
After overcoming our animal, egoic nature - symbolized as the forty-day battle in the wilderness with Satan - and after being taken back into the water (baptized in the symbolic amniotic fluid, a form of purification) the stone of physicality is moved away and we advance into our hearts (4th chakra) and are "born again," this time as pure spirit.
At the crucifixion, Jesus is depicted as being pierced on his right (physical) side, allowing the blood that links him with the physical to be returned to the earth (another symbol of purification). Now we are resurrected, allowing us to ascend into the realm of spiritual consciousness - chakras 5,6 and 7, where we identify and experience ourselves as the "image and likeness of God."
Yesterday, as the pastor admonished his congregants to love and praise Jesus for His accomplishments, I wondered how different the world would be if we all realized that this is the story of our journey and not (His)story. Would we then love and honor ourselves and each other, and thus, spend the time we now utilize fighting, actually getting about the business of bringing the power and glory of Heaven into the earth plane, allowing God, through each of us, to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of creation? . . . I can only imagine❤️
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