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Dr. Carolyne Fuqua

Transforming the lives of untold thousands of people, Dr. Carolyne, lovingly known as “Isis,” (pronounced Ezeese) continuously travels the globe, ministering to what she considers her seven billion member family, as a spiritual harbinger of both personal and planetary healing through the power of love.

Dr. Carolyne "Isis" Fuqua reveals Egyptian Mysticism through A Course in Miracles Podcast.

Our 365 day journey through A Course in Miracles begins on January 1st, 2020.

Begin the journey with the dawning of the light and end the journey with the ascension of your soul.

Join us along the Journey!

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MUSINGs From On High

What do you think about as you sit in a seat 30,000 feet in the air, flying through the heavens? Well, Dr. Carolyne Fuqua contemplates this Game called “Life”. What is our purpose; what are the rules to this game; how is God constantly being demonstrated in the earth plane; and how are we loved so deeply that everything was put in place from the beginning to guarantee our win?  Read her words of wisdom, as she lets us in on her private conversations with her Higher Self.


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© 2018 by ACIM EGYPT

All quotes from A Course in Miracles© are from the ‘Third’ Edition, published in 2007, by the Foundation for Inner Peace,
P.O. Box 598, Mill Valley, CA 94942-0598, and

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