March 7, 2017
Here I am again, musing as I move comfortably along in my favorite seat, at an altitude of around 40,000 feet. This time, between Fort Lauderdale and Las Vegas, with forgiveness as my topic of interest. The following is about that
which I'm presently thinking.
Forgiveness is mandatory if humanity is to take its proper place in the creation of heaven on earth. I have spoken, and written, much on the true meaning of forgiveness, but it continues to come up.
We have been erroneously taught that to forgive is to first see a sister or brother as guilty of something. . . someone to be blamed for somehow abusing or confusing another. Then, considering him or herself a good and decent person, the offended one proceeds to offer an act of clemency, letting the guilty person off the proverbial hook. That definition has kept us from experiencing a healed and fulfilling life for long enough. Now, in order for us to move on and move up, we are going to have to address this faulty concept.
First, let's revisit the word, forgive, which means to give forth. Now I ask you, If a person does something unloving or un-godlike, do I have the power to give forth or release his actions from his, then guilty, conscience? The answer is clearly, no. Then how can I forgive him? There must be a conceptual misunderstanding here.
Well, in fact, there is. According to the Universal Law of Consequences, the only thing that can happen to me, is what first had to happen by me. In other words, if I can be stolen from, I have to be holding guilt for stealing from someone else. . ."What goes around comes around.'" Or: "You reap what you sow." Or: "Every action is followed by an equal and opposite reaction, equal in intensity and opposite in direction."
The only person I can actually forgive is myself. If I walk away thinking I have forgiven someone else, I am walking away with the guilt that magnetized the last perpetrator, and, am thus, still vulnerable to being attacked by another.
As I have previously explained in my writings in 'Keys to the Kingdom,' volume 1, we each come into creation with a clean consciousness, and after many, unloving and unconscious acts, we fill our subconscious with murky bits of guilt that are magnetic. And, until identified (every outer action is mirroring our consciousness) and forgiven, these magnetic bits attract, and thus, plague us for lifetimes. In fact, in each lifetime, the work of forgiveness and returning our consciousness to the Love that is God, is our primary function. And, when all has been, our consciousness returns to the superconscious purity that God emanated through each one of us in the beginning. And, thus, God's intention to fully manifest through each of us, is realized, and that which is true of Heaven becomes true of Earth.
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