March 18, 2017
Many years ago, I participated in a human potential seminar offered by a company called Lifespring, and as I soar at 40,000 feet, one of their processes comes to my mind. It was called, "Be, Do, Have." I guess the reason that came up for me is that, lately, I have been thinking a great deal about the universal laws of vibration and polarity.
As we know, in creation, everything vibrates, and the rate of vibration depends on where, on the pole of being, a thing is located. For example: on the pole of light, we will find, on the rapidly vibrating end, intensely, bright light, and on the slowly vibrating end, darkness. And, between the two extremes, varying degrees of light are to be found.
We also know that when it comes to thingness, 'everything' is found on the high or rapidly vibrating end of the pole, and 'no-thing' rests on the slowly vibrating end. Now, that all leads me back to what I've been thinking. Humanity is hugely motivated by fear, and a lot of that fear centers around safety and survival.. And, in contemporary times, survival is connected to money, as in, will I have enough for food, shelter, health care, relationships, etc.
Now, here is the dilemma...Love is on the high end of the pole with light and everything, and fear is on the low end of the pole with darkness and no-thing. Because humanity's motivation is so often connected to 'having,' especially as it relates to the concept of "enough," fear is generally lurking somewhere, either consciously or subconsciously.
We have all said, or heard someone say: "If I had (fill in the blank) I would be happy." However, based on universal law, we know that that concept is a sure-fire recipe for failure, because with every longing, there is the fear that what I'm longing for may never come to pass. And, if my happiness is somehow connected to what I'm longing for, there is a strong possibility that I will never be happy.
Now, if I am afraid or unhappy, doesn't the law say that I am, therefore, polarized to the emptiness where nothing can happen no matter what I do? If what is wanted is money, don't we all know people who have acquired money and still weren't happy? What about a new car, a job or a relationship. Don't we all know people who have wrecked their new car, lost a job or were disappointed with a relationship?
Or, how about all of the celebrities we've read about, who seemed to have everything, and yet, met with such tragic ends. Some had bank accounts full of money and no health; some had money and health but were sad and lonely; some had material things but were plagued with mental problems, and so on and so on and so on.
One might be moved to ask, "What is happiness and how does one find it. These are age-old questions with only one answer . . . Identification. If you identify as a body and an ego, you will always be polarized to the empty end of the pole, where insufficiency is at home. Or, you identify as pure spirit, an emanation of the Devine, having a body and an ego to move around with.
With proper identification, you automatically polarize to the end of the pole where you are, and thus, have, everything already. There, happiness is a constant. And calling forth what you desire from the quantum field with the power of thought is a given.
Clearly, happiness does not come from 'having." Have we not said, or heard someone say, "No matter what I do, things don't turn out the way I had hoped they would." Clearly, 'doing' does not guarantee happiness, unless, that is, you are doing what you love without outcome expectations.
In conclusion, you simply cannot 'have' to be happy, and you can't 'do' to be happy. Based on universal law, you have to be happy and do what makes you happy to have anything.
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It is very well written idea and it brings positive changes in our mind to think. From the assignment help service we found the best ideas like this to use. You shared very well ideas here in this post about Be Do Have.