I just spent a very busy and productive week in Florida and now I'm on a plane, flying above the clouds to Las Vegas to enjoy some much needed R & R. During the last few days, I have had some interesting conversations that generated the thoughts that are presently begging to be shared.
For instance, it has come to my attention that some of us believe that we can get correction from our Higher-selves after our egos have made a decision. As I have said before, both our Higher-selves and our egos are locked down positions. We, the soul, either turn to the right, or turn to the left, for input. And, the received data cannot be refuted by the opposing voice because, by our own determination, the opposing voice has been rendered silent by inattention.
It is not uncommon for one to make a determination based on his or her past experience, and thus belief system (from this life or another) and have that determination manipulate his or her present results. Is it so hard to realize there is no past. . . there is just the Law of Mentalism? The results you had in the past, just like the results you are having in the present, are simply the result of what you are thinking and believing.
Your thoughts create your reality, and only in the present. The quantum field is always neutral and now. In order for you to get anything out, you have to put that same thing in. For instance, if you are asking for something, the universe can only answer affirmatively. So, you can always know what you've asked for based on what you receive. There are no two ways about this.
Think of the universe as a chef in a fine restaurant, and yourself as a hungry patron. Whatever you have ordered, you will be served. We were created to order what we want, eat it, and determine how good it is to us, and for us. Through this process, we naturally make mistakes and ultimately corrections that lead us closer to the awareness of who we already are.

Generally speaking, the ego will have us order what is good or satisfying to us; things that add significance to a self that we think of as insignificant until or unless. On the other hand, our Higher-Selves always see us as whole, perfect and complete, and therefore, order what is good for us, allowing us to experience the fullest measure of our perfection.
Our Higher-selves have been begging us to learn, play, love and master this incredibly thoughtful game in which we are currently immersed, and I know we all think we have a handle on it. Well, maybe we do, but we'll only know that we do based on results. If we are still surprised by that with which we are confronted; if we still think that someone else's reality determines ours; if we still wonder what will be the outcome of this or that situation, we must roll up our sleeves. We still have some work to do.
The way this game is set up, you determine your outcome by who you say you are. If you are a successful player, you realize that you are part of a team, and that the part of you that remains in Spirit is the coach and guide. The plays are being called from an all-knowing place, and understanding that, you are happy to move as directed.
One of the most important things to remember is that your Higher-Self guides through the heart and the ego guides through the head. If you find yourself trying to strategize or figure something out, or, if you look to see how someone else has done it, and make a determination as to its value based on whether or not it works for him, you are using your head and thus, following the guidance of the ego.
If, however, you are moved in a direction, simply because you feel moved to move in that direction with no attached rhyme or reason, knowing, without knowing how, that something good is happening, you are following your heart. And, for this there is no roadmap so you are going to have to follow confidently, like a blind man with a trusted dog.
Wake up tomorrow morning and put in an order for the day (or life) you choose to have. There is nothing and nobody, on any realm that can block the Law of Mentalism. . . you really do get to have it your way. And yes, you do deserve it. No matter how much wrong you did to get here, with the awareness that as the image and likeness of God you cannot be more right, you actually have been playing the game as was intended by its Creator. And now, saying "Yes and Thank You," you can relax and enjoy.
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